A teacher's purpose is not to create students in his own image, but to develop students who can create their own image.
-- Author Unknown

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Reaction Paper Concerning Defining Educational Innovations

The meaning of innovation thus relates to renewal or improvement, with novelty being a consequence of this improvement. For an improvement to take place it is necessary for people to change the way they make decisions, or make choices outside of their norm.  A famous phrase said: “innovation changes the values onto which the system is based”. In others words when people change their value system, the old (economic) system will change to make room for the better one. For example one important tool for innovate in class is the technology. The advantage of incorporating technology into the school curriculum and the classroom is good because you can found a lot of information and different activities online, but the disadvantage is that not all the educative centers have access to this tool. However not only with the use of technology a teacher can innovate the class. Educational innovation is offer new ideas that we have to take into account to develop our class. The teacher has to be creative and in this way to make a success work with the materials that she or he has.

Nowadays, the field of English has an important tool in terms of innovations. The British Council is a center in which we can access and take some didactic plans, ideas, materials, links, etc. On the other hand, this organization develops projects about how to improve the English Language evaluations, teacher formations, and curriculum design, trying to implement those programs in underdeveloped countries. However, it is important take into account the socio-cultural aspect. Not all countries are equals, for that reason those programs are development different depending on the area, raze, customs. 

This approach was first developed in USA; it was a method of EFL teaching in that place. The natural approach meets the needs from beginner’s and intermediate language learners. It is precisely with Krashen’s theory that is about monitor.
There are five different hypotheses for monitor theory:
1.      The acquisition: This hypothesis suggests that through the stimulation of two different systems adults can acquired a second language, the first system is involving subconscious learning process and the second is about development formal consciousness knowledge.
2.       This is about how could be used the theory, it could be used just to monitor output. Having enough time, being focused on form and knowing the grammatical rule is so important to have a good result from this theory.
3.      This hypotheses is based on the learners input that learners acquired from sintax and vocabulary.
4.      This hypothesis suggests that exist an order or structure to develop the acquisition of the target language, this is natural and predictable.
5.      This states the different circumstances or mood that can obstruct the learning acquisition, for example: self-esteem, anxiety, social distance.
The natural approach recommends that (1) language classrooms should stimulate communication in the target language rather than focus on its structure.
The procedural syllabus
This syllabus began with an experimental English Language teaching project that was for primary and secondary schools because of unhappiness with the status in English subject.
There are three features in which the analytic approach was innovative. It was not linguistically based, students learn by communicating and avoiding focused activities in the classroom.
In additions, it is outstanding to analyze and know others aspect that influence in the process of innovation. This is the case of different types of syllabus. Such as the procedural syllabus is also called communicational syllabus and was and English language teaching project that start in southern India and last from 1979 to 1984. Also, it was known as the Bangalore Project and emerges as a discontent with the structural syllabus developed during that time, so the innovation was adapted into three aspects that will support the focus teaching gold. First, the syllabus content was not linguistically based, so it tried to use tasks instead of preselected language items. Second, the main idea was for students to learn language by communicating. Third, the idea to avoid corrections and apply games will reinforce the possibility to promote communication language.
Following with the topic, it’s crucial to think about the changes in the content. At the beginning of the text emphasized in technological innovation, the use of internet, computers, etc. Moreover, it is important to analyze that also must change the content form as a way to innovate in the field of teachings. All changes and innovations are complicated, because interfering with the old methods that have been used. For example, in some societies like Islamic where they have strictest rules and customs and sometimes rejected the used of new technology as internet because they consider as corrupted manner for their society is very difficult the implementation of technology. In this case, is viable the change of content or teaching method. Not all people have the same perception of things.

As a conclusion,  a curricular innovation involve sort of situations which are linked each other since the beginning, the environment in which it is developed, the facilities it has for being implemented and understood; even if it is success or discarded by people in which it is used.  A person who decides to implement a new innovation in their place of working has to take into consideration or make some questions or think about it, for example: if it will work with students, when do I have to use it? What do I have to adopt? Will my students adopt or reject it? At the same time, while some students adopt some innovation others are not and vice versa. The classroom activities have to be so different from the ones many students know nowadays; the classroom activities must be an interaction among teacher and students in which learner and facilitator feel comfortable with all the situations happen around them. As well as, the knowledge acquired have to be constructed by the students where they interact with their classmates exchanging information and stimulate each other; at the same time, using different techniques that make students go over the traditional lesson and get strong in those areas they are weaken.  Also, the facilitator has to take into account many aspects such as the topics are going to be taught, the area where he is teaching and the syllabus he has for working on, as well as, the needs and facilities and negative aspects he has to handle while he is in the process of  teaching.