A teacher's purpose is not to create students in his own image, but to develop students who can create their own image.
-- Author Unknown

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Teachers’ Attitude

Throughout time people have been interested in giving definition to all things humans being developed, found or create during live. As well the word attitude had not been an exception. The word attitude is defined as a subjective or mental preparation for action. Attitude means the individual's prevailing tendency to respond favorably or unfavorably to an object (person or group of people, institutions or events). As we have learned the teacher’s role is very important in the learning process, the teacher has to catch the learners’ attention, but not all the teachers are being successful in this because all depends on the teacher’s attitude. Attitudes determine what each individual will see, hear, think and do. If the teacher has a positive attitude he or she will believe and act as if all students will be successful in class. If a professor has a positive attitude there are no losers in the classroom. Students will live up to the teacher´s expectations. There are many factors to consider in order becoming a good teacher, but the most effectives are when teachers demonstrate caring and kindness, share responsibility and encourage creativity.
After working aall day in different subjects, students will find it hard to concentrate learning a new language in the English class, so they need passionate teachers to make things fun demonstrating care and kindness. Those are the kind of teachers students love and still remember from school until now. The effective teachers who shared emotions and feelings such us enthusiasm, affection, patience, sadness or disapproval as well as a sincere interest and care about their students are the successful ones and last in students mine forever. ....., those teachers are the ones who now that they can obtain the results they really want from their students.
 In like manner, sharing responsibility focuses on the ability of the teacher to establish a shared environment.The teacher candidates emphasized that an effective teacher must not be overly possessive or need complete control of the children and environment. It is important to allow students both responsibility and freedom within the classroom community. Comments were also shared that both the teachers and students need to contribute to the learning environment for a relationship of looseness and acceptance to develop. That is why communication is also valuable in the process and feelings can be openly expressed by both the children and teachers.

Likewise, encouraging creativity will combine perfectly on the most important aspects of teacher’s attitude in order to increase student´s self-esteem. This attitude stresses the importance of stimulating the students’ creativity. Teacher candidates talked about teachers who listened to their ideas and suggestions for lessons and activities. The effective teachers were open to students’ ways of being imaginative and also utilized many approaches of learning. The students appreciated and were personally motivated when teachers designed lessons that considered their interests, skills, and needs.

In addition, teachers must able to accept individuals as they are,  understand that students come from varying backgrounds that have much to do with who they are and how they behave. They do not judge and they are not constantly to exert oppression by how students behave. They seem to welcome diversity as a natural consequence of being human. Their objective is not so much to change students as it is to encourage students to comply with rules for their own good and the good of the class. The acceptance permits that teachers works individually with students, because they respect individual learning styles. They accept the student where he is and are able to offer help to for him to advance.

Finally, the motivation is one of the important aspects in the acquisition of a language. Motivation is a kind of desire for learning. It is very difficult to teach a language in a learning environment if the learner does not have a desire to learn a language. We are human beings and we will always have problems in our job, family, friends, etc. The real problem is bridging to the class and blow off steam with the students.